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Health Classes for Credit
Live, Zoom, & Video Hybrid -
Middle School & High Sch

Meet your Health Requirement with a customized class at an ideal time and place for your school, homeschool, or co-op!

Typical Hybrid Packages include:

digital or paper handbooks,

a pre-recorded video course with short assessments for each module,

a live session or series over Zoom or in person,

and several written assignments.


A series of weekly Zoom classes or a live discussion session helps to solidify learning in a fun, supportive environment, with practical examples and measurements of body functions. Written work can include a food log, gratitude journal, reflection questions, and a research paper on a topic approved by your school or parent.

Image by Cecilia Par

Curious how this would work for your school or co-op? 

Contact us and discuss options based on the number of students, your goals and standards, and your time frame.

Health Classes should reflect and support your style of education with the right level of detail, appropriate presentation, and interesting facts.

Live In-Person classes provide opportunities to measure pulse, blood glucose, ketones, and more. Zoom Classes can focus on the specific needs of your group for meeting state health requirements, encouraging student athletes toward improved nutrition and hydration, reducing missed school days due to illness or menstrual conditions, setting goals for clarity and focus, and much more. 

A combination of videos that students can digest at their own pace, and live classes, ensures sufficient time for reflection, and sufficient novelty and interaction to spark real improvements. Students see that their challenges are shared by others; their strengths are celebrated and their areas for growth framed as opportunities.​


Written work can include essay topics such as:

- Research the evidence for a particular supplement and assess its value

- Write your own Eulogy, assuming you have led a full life. What do people say?

- What behaviors increase or decrease lifespan and by how much? 

- Design a nutrition and fitness plan for someone you know, making it realistic for them.

- How does sleep affect metabolism and focus? Disease risk? Overall mortality?

- What makes a study valuable and accurate? Discuss sample size, effect, size, blinding.

- How would you account for the placebo effect and include it as a factor in a study?

- What have you noticed affecting your own health? Be detailed and specific as you lay out your own ideal day and explain your areas needing focus, such as sleep, exercise, food.

- Experiment with sleeping more, gratitude journaling, and increasing your nutrients. Track and write about it.


​Bright Families Nutrition

Santa Paula, CA 93060

805 512 0331

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