Frequently Asked Questions
Is this class like Sex Ed? Does this class cover how babies are made?
No, families prefer to discuss that on their own time and in their own way. Sometimes a student asks what ripening an egg during the menstrual has to do with having a baby, and I tell them we are focusing on what happens in the woman's body, and to ask their parents later for more details. Cycles as a teen are presented as practice for the body to potentially grow a baby later on, and hormonal stimulation for growing bones, brain, and other parts of the body. We cover the hormone changes each month and how to care for their bodies with all those factors, so that's the focus of the chapter and the class on the menstrual cycle.
What kind of credentials do you have?
Mostly, I read about nutrition all the time for fun, and I love explaining it to my friends. Officially, I attended 2 years of classes in acupuncture and herbal medicine, began teaching nutrition locally, and received my Nutrition Coaching Certification through Precision Nutrition. I have 6 daughters ages infant to 20, and have taught these classes in various forms for 8 years to teens, taught many other subjects since college, and shared nutrition information with friends for over 20 years. It was the positive feedback from the community that encouraged me to offer classes and design a book to accompany them.
Are the books and classes religious?
No, they are not religious. Many students do share their experiences with religious practices and their benefits as they contribute to class discussions, and most students in the classes come from families who regularly practice a faith. Since there are already several girls' health books that are explicitly religious, I chose to write one with a more scientific focus on nutrition, sleep, exercise, etc,... without information on reproduction.
Is there homework for the class?
Each week’s reading is about 20-30 minutes. The younger girl's chapters are 3 - 6 pages, and the High School chapters are 7-10 pages each. Each chapter includes optional questions for her to answer in writing if she will benefit or if you would like it to document her completion of the course. If your daughter isn’t able to do the reading in advance, she will still benefit from the discussion.
My daughter is shy and reluctant to talk. Will she still benefit from a live class?
That’s fine! Many girls do decide to share as the class goes on, and some learn by listening to what the others share. I’ll invite them to share, but sharing is not required. Some choose to share in the chat but not talk or show video. We also have the option of a pre-recorded class series such as our High School Health Class or Healthy Cycles Class
Do the kids show webcams during class?
Yes, the girls are welcome to have their cameras on during class, because the class size is small and I have found that it helps the girls to bond over the course of just a few weeks. It’s not required.
My daughter hasn’t started her cycle. Is this course for her?
Definitely! We cover many topics besides cycles, which will help her to have a better experience with the emotional and physical changes that happen in the year or two before her period starts. And she’ll learn about the shifts in energy and appetite that can occur, and how to prevent and resolve cramps, so she can feel confident looking forward to it.
Does this class count for a health credit?
If your daughter would like it to count for a high school health credit, she would need to provide written work, including a research paper. I am happy to work with students to complete the research and receive credit through their school.
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